Welcome to Elly Elly Studios, where the essence of my beloved grandmother, Elly, lives on through every handcrafted creation. Elly was a passionate storyteller and collector of treasures, each imbued with a unique story and meaning.

I am Sandra, the founder and artist behind Elly Elly Studios. My journey has taken me through different paths in life and I have had the privilege of traveling the world. Along the way, I realized the importance of pausing to reflect on what truly mattered. This introspective journey led me to the art of ceramics.

In the heart of the studio, the past and present converge in a dance of creativity and craftsmanship. Each piece created is handmade using natural materials and in-house custom developed glazes and finishes. I believe in the power of touch, in the warmth that a handcrafted item brings to a space, and in the moments of pause and reflection that the pieces invite.
